Follow the LOcREaDO Dance Company on Instagram.
LOcREaDO Dance Company is looking for STRONG Contemporary dancers, all ethnicities/backgrounds/gender. This first round of auditions will be video submission only.
Video Submission Audition (Submission Close January 31st)
- Dancers must choreograph a 90 second (1:30) video to the song "Awake by Emptyset"
- You can choose any part of the track for your choreography
- Your video audition MUST include 90 secs of choreography and 30 seconds of Improvisation.
- Video must not exceed 2 minutes and must not be less than 1 minute
- Please wear full black for your video submission
- You must upload your video on YouTube or Vimeo and make sure it is public so it can be viewed
- You must have an introduction at the start of your audition video with the following, Name, Age, and how many years experience you have had as a contemporary dancer.
- Audition Video submission will close by January 26th 2024.
- In addition to your video audition you must fill out this registration form before January 26th 2024 Click here for registration form: Register here
- Please email audition video links to info@loredomalcolm.com.
- If your video submission is accepted, you will be required to attend a physical audition on Monday February 5th 10am-2pm, Location - 5 Royce Court Joondalup WA.
- Rehearsals will commence the following week Feb.12.2024 and will be every Monday 10am-2pm
- You will rehearse for 9-10 weeks, with the show expected to happen on Monday April 15th or Tuesday April 16th 2024.
- This is a Paid Job under the guidelines and discretion of Loredo Malcolm and LOcREaDO Dance Company
- IMPORTANT! Your video audition MUST be filmed in a studio space, no fancy editing, no filters, no cut and paste and must be filmed in Landscape and high quality if possible.
Dancers must be 19+ years old and must have minimum 5 years Contemporary Dance training.
LOcREaDO Dance is excited to Audition some local Perth dancers to create our show called "ONE"
For more information on LOcREaDO Dance Company continue your search on the website.